ZETA Conventional Fire Detection Systems
What is a Conventional Fire Detection System?
Fire detection systems are divided into two main types, addressable and conventional. In addressable systems, alarm and faults are monitored point wise and in conventional systems they are monitored zone wise.
A concept named fire zone is created in order to easily determine where the fire alarm is generated in conventional fire detection systems. This concept is based on creating fire zones which consist of a single location or a few adjacent locations inside a building. Number of these fire zones determine the control panel’s capacity. According to standards, a fire zone can cover an area of 2000m² maximum. There must be at least a manual call point and a sounder inside each fire zone.
Fire detection panels must be inside places like security rooms in which there are personnel 24 hours a day. User must be warned via audial and visual warnings on the panel. Incoming alarm’s type and zonal location must be determined with these warnings. Features like silencing of sounders, resetting the panel and deactivating some devices must be available on the control panel. Panel should also be only operatable with a special key to avoid unwanted people to interfere on the system.
Considering the importance of fire detection system inside a building, system must be integrated to other electromechanical systems. In order to achieve this, fire control panel must have relay outputs at least equal to number of points to be controlled.
ZETA Conventional Fire Detection Systems
ZETA Alarm System Ltd. protect your life and all your assets with smart fire solutions. Since 1985, ZETA manufacture technologies with quality design and high English standards and all systems certified to EN 54 standards, in 40 countries across the world.